Simplified 5S Audits

5S Audit application for:

☑ Faster Audits

☑ Better Control

☑ Improved Compliance

What is 5S?

5S is one of the Japanese techniques. It is basically a workplace management methodology which helps in improving working environment, human capabilities and thereby productivity. The word 5S represents the 5 disciplines for maintaining visual workplace. Beyond this, many companies begin their lean transformation with 5S because it exposes some of the most visible examples of waste it also helps establish the framework and discipline required to successfully pursue other continuous improvement initiatives. It comprises 5 principles in making the organization highly efficient and effective those are given below.

Sort (Seiri)

Sort is about decluttering the workspace. Unnecessary items are identified, and removed from the work area. The idea is to keep only what's essential for current tasks, reducing distractions and improving efficiency.

Set in Order (Seiton)

After sorting, everything that remains is organized for easy access. Tools, materials, and equipment are placed in designated locations. This step minimizes time wasted searching for things, making work smoother.

Shine (Seiso)

This step involves cleaning and maintaining the workspace regularly. Cleanliness is essential for safety and efficiency. Regular cleaning also helps identify defects and wear and tear early, preventing bigger issues.

Standardize (Seiketsu)

Standardization ensures that the first three S's are consistently maintained. It involves creating clear procedures, guidelines, and visual cues for organization, cleanliness, and workplace practices.

Sustain (Shitsuke)

Sustaining the improvements made through the previous S's is the final step. It involves creating a culture of continuous improvement where all team members are responsible for maintaining the 5S principles.

The Digital Advantage

Time savings up to 

40-50% compared to traditional auditing systems.

Organizations can achieve 

90-95% audit compliance rates with digital tools.

Using digital tools to perform audits can reduce audit-related costs by 20-30%.

Digital tools enhance accuracy and traceability, reducing manual errors by 30-35%.

Add your Zones and Checkpoints

  • Create your Zones/ Departments.
  • Add Auditors and Zone Owners.
  • Add your own checkpoints for different processes or bulk upload them at once.
  • Define benchmark ratings for your processes for tracking non-performing areas.

Perform hassle free Audits

  • No need to spend time on paper based checklists.
  • Perform inspection on Phone/ Tablet/ PC.
  • Add 'Ratings and Remarks' for areas of concern.
  • Add pictures, videos and files.
  • Robust validations to make sure no checkpoint is missed by Auditor.

Assign Corrective Actions

  • Assign corrective actions to the area in-charge or auditor.
  • Get instant PDF reports with the all the details of the assigned action.
  • Track pending actions and on-time actions.

Real-time Analytics

  • Track Zone wise score.
  • Score for all 'S' along with overall plant score.
  • Track pending actions on auditors, completed actions and much more.
  • Summary PDF report of the Audit with all the checkpoints and remarks.

Digital transformation with dzInspect

Digital transformation is not about technology alone, it empowers organizations to foster innovation and creativity. dzInspect is a unified platform to help companies of all sizes achieve their digital transformation goals.

  • Easy to Use: An easy-to-use interface is always helpful as it promotes a positive user experience, instills confidence in less skilled operators. This approach fosters confidence and promotes the adoption of digital technologies in diverse work environments.
  • Easy to Access: dzInspect offers seamless accessibility across mobile, tablet, and PC, ensuring users can effortlessly access and manage remote inspections and processes from any device.
  • Easy to Deploy: With its cloud-based architecture, dzInspect eliminates the need for complex on-premises setups. Enjoy quick deployment, swift implementation at minimal upfront costs,making it a hassle-free solution for your digitization needs.
Know More

Download free 5S checklist for Manufacturing Industry.

5S Checklist

Contact Us

🏢   C-521, I-Thum Building, Plot No A-40, Sector-62, Noida-201301, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
📞   +91-9871860255

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🏢   C-521, I-Thum Building, Plot No A-40, Sector-62, Noida-201301, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
📞   +91-9871860255

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