In-process Inspection Application

Optimized production with digital In-process inspections

What is In-process Inspection?

In-process Inspection also sometimes known as Line Inspection or During Production Inspection (DUPRO) refers to the examination and evaluation of a part’s components or features at various stages of the production process. This type of inspection is conducted while the manufacturing is ongoing, allowing for real-time assessment of quality and adherence to specifications. In-process inspections aim to identify potential defects or deviations early in the production cycle, thereby saving time and resources.

in process quality inspection software for manufacturing

Benefits of digitizing In-process Inspection

in process inspection application

Real-time Monitoring

Digital tools help in detection of issues and defects at the time of production by allowing monitoring of inspection results in real-time. 

automated in process inspection in manufacturing automation

Enhanced Traceability

Digitizing In-process inspection improves traceability and enables manufacturers to track the complete production history of each part.

in line hourly in process inspection in manufacturing

Reduced Costs

Digital systems allow you detect defects early in the production process so that companies can avoid costly quality issues downstream and improve overall cost-effectiveness.

Anywhere Access

Cloud-based systems enable access to inspection data from anywhere, facilitating collaboration among teams and remote inspections.

quality inspection data analytics

Data Driven Decisions

Insights gained from digital inspection systems empower manufacturers to continuously refine and innovate their operations to stay competitive in the marketplace.

inprocess inspection benefits manufacturing iso


Digitization also helps in adhering to industry standards and regulatory requirements, ensuring proper documentation and compliance.

Key Features

  • Accessible seamlessly on Mobile / Tablet / PC
  • Easy Remote Access
  • Supports Patrolling Inspection (time based inspection)
  • Add your Inspection Plan
  • Supports Custom AQL sampling
  • Add Users with Roles
  • Add Parts and their Control Plan
  • Define Checkpoints (Visual / Dimensional)
  • Add Part Image / Drawings / Inspection SOP documents
  • ‘Bulk Upload’ data for quick setup
  • Validation to ensure no checkpoint is missed
  • Add images for defective parts with Remarks
  • E-Signatures
  • Automatic Email with PDF reports on submission
  • Complete Inspection results in PDF with Images
  • Consolidated shift-wise inspection results
  • Quality & Production Approval with Remarks
  • Monitor Inspection Score, Total Accepted and Rejected lots

Simplified In-process checks for optimal production 

Add Parts, Control Plans and Machines

Define number of shifts along with their start time and end time. Application will auto detect the shift timings during inspection.

  • Automatic detection of shift based on current time.
  • Define user roles: Inspector / Production In-charge / Quality In-charge.
  • Add Machines, Parts along with their Checkpoint (Visual / Dimensional).
  • Create Control Plans and link with existing parts.
  • Create customized AQL table for automatic sample size detection.
in line inspection software IPI production
hourly inspection patrolling inspection in manufacturing

Perform General and Patrolling Inspection

Supports following 2 types of inspection methods:

1. General Inspection

  • Perform In-process inspection anytime.
  • Check up to 20 samples for a checkpoint.
Typically used where inspection is required after batch or lot is produced.

2. Patrolling Inspection

  • Perform In-process inspection at user defined time interval and allowance.
  • Define frequency and allowance for inspection. 
  • Check up to 10 samples for a checkpoint.
  • Inspection data can only be entered within specified time range.

Typically used where inspection is required periodically at certain interval.

Seamlessly Perform Inspection on Mobile / Tablet / PC

Ensure early detection of defects during production by performing timely In-process inspection, directly from your Mobile / Tablet / PC.

  • Ease of access during remote inspections.
  • Select Part and Process.
  • Control Plan, Part reference image / Drawing will be automatically visible.
  • Automatic ‘Sample Size’ detection based on Lot size.
  • Verify all the checkpoints associated with the part.
  • Add ‘Images’ for defective parts along with ‘Remarks’.
in process inspection mobile application for manufacturing industry
inprocess inspection report format for manufacturing industry iso

Real-time Reporting and Analytics

Get real time PDF reports on email. Monitor In-process inspection results and mitigate defects during early stages of production.

  • Automatic Email reports to Production and Quality In-charge.
  • Inspection Results with defective part images.
  • Provision for E-Signatures.
  • Time based results for Patrolling inspection.
  • Real time analytics to monitor inspection data.
  • Average time taken by Inspector to carry out Inspection.
  • Average Inspection Score.

Contact Us

🏢   C-521, I-Thum Building, Plot No A-40, Sector-62, Noida-201301, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
📞   +91-9871860255

© 2023 IQM Solutions Private Limited

🏢   C-521, I-Thum Building, Plot No A-40, Sector-62, Noida-201301, Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
📞   +91-9871860255

© 2023 IQM Solutions Private Limited